
-- Follow me on GitHub :)

I have developed a variety of projects as part of my learning process, all open-sourced on my GitHub profile. I have shared some of these projects for others to view. I am always looking for ways to improve and expand my skills as a developer. b

TinyBits - URL Shortener

TinyBits - URL Shortener

I built a GoLang-based URL shortener with Redis caching and PostgreSQL integration, later expanding it into a full-stack application using Remix. Ongoing open-source development makes it a dynamic work in progress for our club project.

Chat App - Web

Chat App - Web

A sleek and minimalistic chat app built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, powered by Firebase for seamless communication and a user-friendly interface.

Music Player - Deno

Music Player - Deno

A Deno-powered music player with server-side query search and easy frontend integration for seamless listening experience.



I'd like to extend my gratitude to all the developers who have put in hard work to create resources for others to learn from and build stunning websites, as well as to contribute to open-source projects.

The sharing of knowledge and collaboration in the open-source community is a fantastic way to advance technology. Keep up the good work and continue making contributions!